Monday, November 10, 2008

The Nepali Way


Our Royal Nepal flight was the best way to start a new adventure in a new country. The completely empty flight meant one thing: comfort while traveling (something I forgot shortly after the first overnight bus from Hanoi to Hue). Without wasting a second I jarred the armrests up, stretched across the three empty seats, and pressed play on a album guaranteed to put me to sleep: The Wall (disc 2). Welcome to Kathmandu!

The Nepali people are so genuine and welcoming. I'll add to this post and write more about my stay in Kathmandu when I get a chance. Need to get some sleep at the moment...

I leave trekking early tomorrow morning up to the Annapurna base camp. I'll be out of contact for 2 weeks, but should have some amazing pictures when I return.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

wow sam - peter and I stood on poon hill with a friend over 25 years ago to watch the sunrise over fishtail - we were the only ones there.

can't wait to hear about Varanasi - India is a wild place! Happy travels.